Project title: headpieces for the subconscious minds.
Project type: art prints, NFTs.
Theme: surrealist fashion.
Year: 2023.
Concept: Through the use of hats, women were able to assert their
individuality and subvert traditional notions of femininity. The relationship between fashion, hats,
women, and Surrealism
is consequently a fascinating and complex one.
In this series of illustrations, I explored eight ideas for
headpieces, incorporating dreamlike and bizarre elements,
unconventional shapes, textures, and materials. All in all,
adding to their surreal and otherworldly appearance.
Check these links out:
→ My immersive 3D gallery
'Pixel Couture'
→ Explore my NFTs on
Digital Basel.
→ Head over to my
Art Store
to view this and other collections.