Client: Financial Times X Mitsubishi.
Project type: integrated advertising campaign.
Role: art direction, illustration.
Motion graphics: Alexander Kozlowski.
Year: 2018.
Background: the project is an authoritative and prescriptive guide
providing readers a review of the state of where we are,
regarding energy use, state of the climate, the global
economy. There are six chapters grouped by topics such as
leadership, transport, investors, manufacturing consumption,
energy producers and citizens as stakeholders.
Approach: the approach adopted is illustrative. The recurring elements
throughout the series include the green landscape (nature), the clear sky (future), and the overall
colours (beige, white, green, and blue) of the illustrative elements used to craft each of the six visuals.
Deliverables: digital animations were developed for each chapter to go on
leaderboards, half pages and MPUs, as well as print adverts
and social media posts.